Goedele was not a cyclist. Absolutely not. She was a cancer patient turned athlete. During her own illness and recovery, she drew a lot of courage and strength from stories of others. This is why she shares her story: dare to dream, dare to try. Who knows where you will end up... ?
She tells her story at The Women Peloton: Podcast: Goedele Adams | The Women Peloton
A summary of Goedele illness & cycling history:
- 2011, when she was 25: at a standard check-up, the gynaecologist says: "You have very dense breast tissue, if there is ever anything abnormal, be sure to have that checked."
- 2016, March: 1st symptom: at a certain pressure at the monthly self-check: some kind of bloody fluid from my one nipple
- 2016, April - September: investigations, surgery, ... concluding: "atypical cells in the fluid and a large DCIS area, but no invasive cancer": hooray!
- 2016, September: panic, during a follow-up check they suddenly find breast cancer cells in my axillary lymph nodes = lol. Because they don't find a primary tumour. All hands on deck and in haste all kinds of new investigations. The examination of the affected glands is inconclusive about the type of cancer. Triple negative is the most likely. Oh dear.
- 2016, October: finally, in a previously removed piece of breast tissue (which was still in the hospital freezer), they find the primary tumours: microinvasive, oestrogen-sensitive tumours. I.e. super-mini tumours in that large DCIS area. A relief in terms of diagnosis and prognosis, but the extra hormone treatment is an extra hard sell at a young age.
- Full treatment is rushed: another surgery, axillary gland excision, chemo (12 x Taxol, 4 AC), one month of radiotherapy, 5 years of Zoladex and 10 years of Tamoxifen/Nolvadex
- 2016 November - 2017 April : chemo
- 2017, May - June: radiotherapy
- 2017, August - September: start exercising independently = jogging at 5km/hour and -literally- sweating out chemo.
- 2017, November: start of fellow sufferers' project Think Pink.
I have nothing, zero, nougabollen with cycling (or lycra suits)